Short term after-effects of small force fields applied by an upper-limb exoskeleton on inter-joint coordination (bibtex)
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Bibtex Entry:
  author      = {Dubois, O. and Roby-Brami, A. and Parry, R. and Jarrass{\'e}, N.},
  booktitle   = {{2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024)}},
  title       = {{Short term after-effects of small force fields applied by an upper-limb exoskeleton on inter-joint coordination}},
  year        = {2024},
  address     = {Yokohama, Japan},
  month       = May,
  publisher   = {{IEEE}},
  series      = {2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
  abstract    = {Exoskeleton technologies have numerous potential applications, ranging from improving human motor skills to aiding individuals in their daily activities. While exoskeletons are increasingly viewed, for example, as promising tools in industrial ergonomics, the effect of using them on human motor control, particularly on inter-joint coordination, remains relatively uncharted. This paper investigates the effects of generic low-amplitude force fields applied by an exoskeleton on motor strategies in asymptomatic users. The force fields mimic common perturbations encountered in exoskeletons, such as residual friction, over/under-tuned assistance, or structural elasticity. Fifty-five participants performed reaching tasks while connected to an arm exoskeleton, experiencing one of five tested force fields. Their movements before and after exposure to the exoskeleton force field were compared. The study focuses both on spatial and temporal changes in coordination using specific metrics. The results reveal that even brief exposure to a low-amplitude force field, or to uncompensated residual friction and dynamic forces, applied at the joint level can alter the inter-joint coordination, while task performance remains unaffected. The tested force fields induced varying degrees of changes in joint contributions and synchronization. This study highlights the importance of monitoring coordination changes to fully understand the impact of exoskeletons on human motor control and thus enable safe and widespread adoption of those devices.},
  category    = {ACTIS},
  crac        = {n},
  doi         = {10.1109/ICRA57147.2024.10610645},
  file        = {:http\://;},
  hal         = {y},
  hal_id      = {hal-04670953},
  hal_version = {v1},
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