Assessment of Multi Vibrotactile-Skin Stretch (MuViSS) Haptic Device to restore sensory feedback in upper limb amputees using prosthetics (bibtex)
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Bibtex Entry:
  author      = {Campanelli, A. and Saudrais, C. and Mick, S. and Tiboni, M. and Vérité, F. and Jarrassé, N.},
  booktitle   = {IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob)},
  title       = {Assessment of Multi Vibrotactile-Skin Stretch (MuViSS) Haptic Device to restore sensory feedback in upper limb amputees using prosthetics},
  year        = {2024},
  address     = {Heidelberg, Germany},
  month       = Sep,
  abstract    = {This study explores the MuViSS (Multi Vibrotactile -Skin Stretch) haptic device designed to enhance cognitive processes and behavior through sensory feedback in upper limb prosthetics. The device employs feedback that combines the stretching of the skin in conjunction with proprioception and cue alerts upon contact. Our previous work involving nine nondisabled participants wearing the MuViSS and controlling a modified prosthetic hand demonstrated its efficacy compared to traditional vibration force feedback and a no-haptic condition. Preliminary experiments with an amputated participant have been performed to further support the efficacy of MuViSS in providing valuable sensory feedback. Positive results from these preliminary experiments confirm the potential of the MuViSS device and its feedback strategy to improve control and user experience in the field of upper-limb prosthetics.},
  category    = {ACTIS},
  crac        = {n},
  doi         = {xx},
  file        = {:http\://;},
  hal         = {y},
  hal_id      = {hal-04695479},
  hal_version = {v1},
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